Thursday, October 4, 2007

I love you, Richard M Daley!

So now I'm exposed. I'm in love with the mayor of Chicago. But who wouldn't be? Here's a few reasons why I think Richard Daley is awesome. One, he's a library supporter. Two, he gave the people of Chicago Millennium Park. Three, he's pro-cyclist. Four, he gets things done. Five, he supports school reading programs.

Yeah, I know all about the scandals. I lived through the midnight destruction of Meigs Field (no offense but since I didn't fly into that airport, I didn't really care). And I'm sure Mayor Daley is guilty of giving jobs to people who give him money. I'm no historian but isn't that kind of political corruption over 2,000 years old? He's not the first, he won't be the last and I don't think the good people of Chicago are suffering because of this. So Richard Daley, thank you for doing so much for the City of Chicago. You are the best!


Ian said...

When I went to ALA in 2005 here in Chicago, I was really looking forward to seeing Barack Obama speak. Mayor Daley came out first, hunched over the podium with his forehead sweaty and launched into a not very eloquent but extremely passionate and sincere articulation of why he thought libraries were important.

When Sen. Obama then came out, I actually felt like he had already been overshadowed.

Elizabeth M. Timmins said...

I love the mayor, too!! He rocks. The beautification projects that he has made happen in the neighborhood I grew up in (Irving Park & Western) are phenomenal!